Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Play

What another ripper of a Christmas play, the kids did a fantastic job. Praise God, Well done Teachers.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Our children's church is growing bigger by the minute: 36 children in the last 2 weeks. Hallelujah.
With a new strategy we are dividing them into 3 age groups and teaching on the fruit of the Spirit.

Our focus here is to teach what Jesus has done for us and how we can then grow in all that He has planned for our lives.

Plans are underway for the next Christmas play with a particular theme in mind, but we are always open to suggestions so if there's any thoughts out there...........?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Children's Church Resumes

Yes, Children's Church begins again this Sunday night the 28th of January. We hear a famous person will also be visiting so stay tuned.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Christmas Play

Not long to go now. The video production is finished and now we are in the final stages of rehearsal. Two big full dress rehearsals are scheduled for Sat 3rd Dec and Sat 10th Dec and then the big show is on Sun the 11th. Be there.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Christmas Play

Most of the costumes have been made and the first video taping begins this Sunday 25th Sep. The parts have been allocated but if you are new and want to join in there are always places to fill. Don't miss this exciting presentation.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Children's Church Christmas Play

The script has been written and the date has been set. This year will be like none before with the story told in video as well as stage presentation.

Meetings have taken place, parts allocated (though none of the children know it yet) and video footage is well under way.

December the 11th.

Be there.